Between the 25 Apr 2017 04:13:51 UTC and 26 Apr 2017 13:21:40 UTC, Anthony Watts quietly removed his plug for people to join the quiescent, dormant, or dead Open Atmospheric Society from the sidebar of his WUWT blog.
Was this action prompted by the end of the US tax reporting year? Was Anthony feeling a rare pang of conscience about taking money from his fans and not delivering the goods?
Or was the disappearance an oversight, a temporary glitch, with the advert about to make a reappearance?
If you are still hoping to join that fake sceptic society, the OAS website is still there, though there is no sign of a board or journal or anything else. In fact, nothing has been added to the website for almost two years.
You can read more about the secretive open society with the help of Google - this is the timeline.
Still there on fb: https://www.facebook.com/The-Open-Atmospheric-Society-1448157378766780/. And the only reaction is still me taking the piss.
ReplyDeleteThat looks so sad - sez me, holding back a chortle :)
Delete(He needed a minimum of five qualified people to form the mandated five-person board. There probably aren't that many WUWT fans who could meet his requirements.)
This was lauded at WUWT as the terror of the scientific establishment. How could the world's most brilliant website, the gathering place of the greatest scientific minds on this planet, be so wrong?
ReplyDeleteIt would be more of a Closed Atmosphere Society. I have been banned from WUWT for years.
ReplyDeleteWelcome to the club.
DeleteSo much for setting up a red team, I guess. There are no volunteers, unless they are working in secret, too scared and incompetent to reveal themselves to the blue team :)
ReplyDeleteWith Trump as President, Watts probably feels there's no need.
ReplyDeleteAnd let's not forget about the GWPC's "International Temperature Data Review Project", launched with great fanfare over two years ago. From an authoritative British tabloid:
ReplyDelete"Top scientists start to examine fiddled global warming figures. The Global Warming Policy Foundation has enlisted an international team of five distinguished scientists to carry out a full inquiry"
So... how is the GWPF doing with its ambitious temperature data review project? It's been over two years since the inquiry was launched, so the GWPF must have something. Let's wander on over to the International Temperature Data Review website and find out.
And GWPF's progress so far is (drum roll)....
"No timetable has been set for the panel to report."
Many of the leading lights of the GWPF were distracted by the need to ensure that information of the standard we all associate with the GWPF was available to everybody voting on the UK's EU referendum.
DeleteAt his moribund organiztion's dawn Watts proposed verum in luce as its motto. As this sounds like a a bad Googlle translaton of 'truth in light'-, in 2015 you suggested he" probably meant' Veritas in Luce.'"
ReplyDeleteThe sunset of this fantasy organization suggest another:
Varias fonicantes in crepusculum
Sorry , but Spellchecker doesn't do Latin - make that
ReplyDeleteVarias fornicantes in crepusculum
The situation will never change frankly.
ReplyDeleteWho would have thought that climate science was so complicated!
ReplyDeleteShame about the MIA OAS - it's just what the denialist lobby needs to refute the contribution from global warming in the tragic bushfores in Portugal:
It's important to note the impact resulting from the penchant for Portugese forestry to plant pines and eucalypts, but the OAS would surely have been able to demonstrate that the severity of the drought and the ambient high temperatures had nothing at all to with carbon dioxide emissions.
Its important to remember that Christopher Columbus only discovered America because he was fleeing forest fires on the Iberian peninsula.
DeleteHow can something disappear that has never appeared in the first place?
ReplyDeleteConsider Bigfoot, the Loch Ness monster, and UFOs. The moment they realized tens and hundreds of millions of people were walking around with mobile phones capable of high resolution video in their hands they simply hid themselves even better.
Delete...I wonder if WUWT would accept that as the base for a guest post?
Great job Sou. I had not heard of this sham before. Watts is an embarrassment to humanity. It's perfectly clear that he's willing to 'bend the rules' to claim whatever he wants. His dishonesty is legendary to those that read your blog and a few others. But that's what deniers really are at their core - dishonest with many faults. Thanks for posting this, more ammunition against the dishonest deniers.
ReplyDeleteOT, but a lot of shroudwaving going on around the Grenfell tower horrorshow over at WUWT, which they are blaming firmly on AGW.
ReplyDelete"Green is not the end-all, save-all mandate. People first, Gaia second. Just ask the families of the dead. – Anthony"
Shroudwaver in chief. Not a good look.
My rebuke:
"Grenfell was hardly the first high-rise to be clad, nor will it be the last. The rationale is indeed, in part, improving thermal efficiency. Griff's right: nothing inherently wrong with that.
What went wrong here was a regulatory failure: either the building codes were insufficient or they were not properly complied with. These being the type of regulations invariably described by those of a free-market ideation as 'red tape', bureaucratic interference in the ability of businesses to turn a profit.
I predict the enquiry will discover corners cut to reduce costs and boost profits at the expense of human safety. A coroner's report following another deadly 2009 fire in south London - at Lakanal House - prompted the Government to start a review of Fire Safety, a review which the Conservative Government has yet to produce, 7 years on.
The cladding was manufactured by Omni, a company which last year paid a dividend of £950K to its sole shareholder, a private equity group specialising in construction companies called Xerxes Equity. Follow the money, as people around here say.
Grenfell was an unspeakable and avoidable tragedy and of course the bereaved have questions, but they should be looking to Mammon, not Gaia, for the answer."
Phil: If the quotation marks envelop a reply you posted on the Grenfell disaster thread on WU ..... then it has been removed.
DeleteTony, they did.
DeleteBut I doubt my contribution was ever published. Watts certainly does not practice the free speech he preaches: my posts stopped appearing some time ago, after I shot away the foundations of a Monckton guest post.
Maybe this mean's he's going to finish his Watts et al 2012 paper. :)
ReplyDeleteYou mean browbeat his lackeys to finish it, PM :D (I don't think Anthony does much more than organise willing helpers to do all the work. Much like his blog these past few years.)
DeletePrince, you must be the only idiot on these pages. (Showing off as I have just read the book)
DeleteA book is not a peer-reviewed paper. Anyone can publish tripe in a book.
DeleteApologies if my comment came across harshly - it is a reference to Prince Mishkin in Dostoyevsky's The Idiot. He is of course not really an idiot.
DeleteWhat's new Sou? Turtles all the way down still?
ReplyDeleteBunch of bald-headed-bespeckled losers.
Can't stop facts bubbling to the surface, can you?
Says the man or woman cowering behind an anonymous login.