Saturday, December 24, 2016

Happy Holiday

Happy holiday one and all. It's Christmas at our place, and we'll be having a family get-together, on a warm 38 C (100 F) sunny day.

Whatever you're up to, be happy, stay safe, and enjoy the break if you're lucky enough to have one.

PS If you think I'm jumping the gun, it'll be Christmas Day in just half an hour here :)


  1. Merry Xmas from a nice warm place in Canada. It 3 degrees!

    And while it is early on the 24th here I think it is about 00:10 on the 25th Melbourne time.

    1. People keep on asking about positive changes due to climate change. A higher chance of an Australian BBQ Christmas would be one.

  2. Merry Christmas, Sou. Thanks for all your work.

  3. Merry Xmas!

    A warm and muggy one forecast for Sydney, 28C maybe.

  4. Happy Holiday? Sou knows how to annoy WUWT & Co. I don't know how they manage to do so, but they do not like that friendly wish.

    To Sou and all lovelies: Merry Christmas
    To all nasties: Season’s greetings
    To all nerds: regression to the mean in 2017

  5. Happy Christmas Sou and everybody. Have fun and forget the horrors of the trenches, at least for a while :-)

  6. Happy holidays!

    Still Christmas eve here in Iqaluit, but the sun will soon set (it's 1:15 pm). At -28 C it's a mite colder than, say, at the North Pole.

  7. Hope everyone has a great Christmas and New Year.

  8. Happy Christmas Sou.
    I'll take it as read that you have connected your high pressure pump to your swimming pool.
    Ah Australian Christmases!

  9. Happy Christmas from the Shaky islands to all the climate realist community .
    We have a mild 20c and cloudy in Auckland.
    Something good about the big pacific ,small islands and maritime climes .
    Off to the beach home for a week looking Forward to a wild pig on a spit, fresh fish, white sand and calm blue seas.

    To all those to frightened to come to terms with atmospheric physics
    May your lump of coal be small and reality slowly seep into your conscious.

  10. Season's Greetings, Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas..etc. Thanks for all your hard work!
    As Tamino says:I’ll continue to do what I can, come hell or high water. Expect both. Could be a tough year coming up in the US for scientists! Thanks for all your help...we're going to need it

  11. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, Sou. Enjoy the day! Pacem in terris.

  12. Happy Holidays to everyone!

    In Manila right now awaiting typhoon Nock-Ten.

    1. Stay safe, Humma K. It's another monster - I see it's likely to hit Manila tomorrow.

  13. happy xmas everyone and have a rational and evidence based new year :-)

  14. Echoing Christmas wishes.....

    Well the UK will get close to it's warmest Xmas day on record.
    Early morning and 12C in my back garden. should get to near 14.

    1. My prediction. In ten years Wimbledon will start on Boxing Day.

    2. really warm yesterday in Cambridge, almost outside dining weather (in a suntrap), a little colder today - but stunningly sunny

    3. Really warm here in Norwich UK too.

      But I have been reliably informed an ice age cometh. Probably tomorrow.

  15. Sou I'll make another prediction. 2017 will be your busiest

    1. Ha, ha, yes indeed.

      That is a bit ironic considering that earlier in the year Sou was getting a little bored and fed-up reporting on WUWT and noting that it was declining into irrelevance.


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