Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Then they attack you...and then...

There are some really, really odd people in the world today.  Odd in a not very nice way.  Odd in a creepy way.

It doesn't surprise me that Anthony Watts doesn't find this insulting and sexist rant creepy.

It doesn't surprise me that some people think Josh's ad hom cartoons are funny not creepy.

It doesn't surprise me that some people think it's not creepy when Anthony Watts deliberately stirs up his fans by referring to SkepticalScience as SS:

Peter Miller says:
June 10, 2013 at 1:53 pm  The acronym SS somehow seems so appropriate.

Henry Galt says:
June 10, 2013 at 1:40 pm  Nope. SS is what I have invariably monikered them.

(There's much worse on WUWT, which I won't repeat here.)

It's kind of creepy that all those people who don't think any of the above is creepy, also think it's not creepy to download images from someone else's private web site, plaster them all over your blog and make up paranoid conspiracy theories about them, writing:
It’s possible they made these with the idea of a false flag operation in mind
Has Anthony so quickly forgotten it was he who called them the SS and got his mob to chime in with worse? (WUWT watchers will note the irony, with paranoid conspiracy theorising Anthony posting as many protest articles against Lewandowsky et al's NASA Faked the Moon Landing as he did the 97% Consensus, if not more -  and almost as many as he did protesting Marcott et al.)

And it's kind of creepy that these same people who don't think any of the above is creepy, do think its 'creepy' when in order not to feel too creeped out, those who've been subject to those creepy attacks from WUWT and others, take the sting out by poking fun at themselves in private, and privately share a joke with their friends who've also been creeped out by the creeps actions above.

PS To add to the creepies, one lowlife is even going to the extent of (erroneously) scrambling for a legal technicality to excuse Anthony Watts thievery and creepy perving.  No morals, no values - very creepy.

Still, there is this:

And there is this (which Anthony Watts will never forgive or forget):

And this (h/t MikeH)

And then there is this - which is much more important than any of the above:

Recall Michael Mann's Serengeti Strategy and raise a glass to all the heroes at for their tireless work, for keeping on keeping on in their efforts to save us from ourselves.

Oh - and this that surfaced is just delightful:

WUWT is no match for Scooterboy and the Overcooked Prawn!


  1. Well, when you have no scientific argument with which to challenge the scientific consensus, this is what you are reduced to. And there will be consequences.

    Imagine the scene, three decades from now. All who sailed in SkS and RC will be lauded for attempting to present the facts. Those who ladled the misinformational chum will stand in an unforgiving spotlight.

    Good luck to them.

    1. I think this week must be creep week at WUWT. There has been a string of creepy WUWT, creeping out one creepy event after another from them all week. And it's not even halfway through.

    2. As you and others have argued, the deniers are probably feeling the pressure. So, crazier and creepier. One wonders how far it will go and how unpleasant it will get as the years go by and the evidence piles up. Intellectually - and politically - a horrible future awaits our denialist chums.

  2. Thanks for link to Josh's cartoons. He has found his market.

  3. Strange how WUWT links the term 'denier' to the holocaust, cue faux outrage, but the acronym 'SS' slips under the radar and is appropriate to use. Must fit in with Monckton's 'Hitler Youth' jibe. Even stranger is how rightwing conservatives are so prone to labelling others with opposing 'views' as fascist.

    1. Ye olde denialist projection. In lieu of a scientific argument, it's all they've got.

    2. KR

      Very odd, considering that the "SS" term has been applied off and on to SkepticalScience and its authors for a couple of years now - Watts has to keep telling his commenters to stop it, and it frequently shows up on other denial blogs as well."+ss+""+ss+"

      ...for just a few examples. It hardly started in the last few days.

      "Even after SkS became aware that such images were visible to the public, it did NOT delete them ... an action is both creepy AND likely worthy of outrage"

      Now that, I'm just going to have to call you on - as complete BS. Whether they did it well or not (and the sub-directory move looked clumsy) those images were gone within about a day - and at least 80% of the ones I looked at were graphs or web imagery, things I suspect they had no desire to delete. They weren't "public" images, either, AFAICS, but rather located in a poorly protected (likely by error) folder that someone else hunted up and deliberately publicized in a clear attempt to embarrass.

      Consider the difference between something public (say, in your front yard), and something poorly kept private (where someone deliberately trying the various gates to the back-yard finds one unlocked, and throws it open, calling on all the neighbors to come look). Who's responsible for that public view, eh?

      Hacking at a private forum? That, I would opine, is plenty creepy all on its own.

    3. My guess would be that the images were moved en masse by their web administrators for further consideration by the owners. Wholesale deletion would have removed a lot of graphs.

      This is still a case of someone trying all the locks, then opening an unlocked door and calling the neighborhood in (repeatedly, in the case of the moved images). Personally, the proper behavior should be to drop the owners a note informing them of the security hole.

      By your reasoning: 'Well, gee,' said the mugger, 'any reasonable person would have been looking behind them in that neighborhood, so I was fully justified in mugging them. They were inviting me!' Try that in court, and let us know how that goes...

    4. Thomas Murphy - what a load of crock!  As KR and I pointed out - the images you refer to were obvious an an attempt at defusing the awfulness of Anthony Watts calling them SS and encouraging his troops to write much worse. I expect you would know better than me (I don't visit most denier dens) that lots of other people attack Skeptical Science in a similar low fashion.  

      You make a big deal of them moving images not deleting them.  These images were mainly working charts and other resources from what I could see.  The other images were very few.  There's no way I would delete my climate image resources just because Anthony Watts snuck in my open window to steal and perve.  He's a creep and behaves with no morals whatever, but there's no way I'd let creeps like you and he control my work or dictate what I can and can't do.

      Now you're trying to justify Watts' behaviour after the event by going all legal/technical?

      Sheesh.  What you're now admitting is "it wasn't the right thing to do but maybe I can weazle my way out of it by finding some technicality in the law".

      That goes to character and speaks volumes of yours.  And the images were on a private forum, not on SkepticalScience proper - so the technicality you are scrambling for wouldn't apply in any case.

      Most people will view Watts and your behaviour and attitude as slimey at best. I understand deniers deny because of world view and cognitive impairment. Now I also am learning that some deniers come up short in the morality and values department as well.

    5. Blimey! You couldn't even get that right :(

      I'll make it right and make my word the last for now, unless someone else wants to chime in.

      (I assume the "Enjoy" was either sarcasm or obsequiousness - Willis-style. It takes a lot of energy cleaning up the disgusting mess deniers make.)

  4. ANXIOUS PARENT: I'm really worried about Timmy. He's proclaimed himself a libertarian, he won't use public transport, and he seems to think the cartoons at WUWT are funny.

    DEVELOPMENTAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Ah, 'Josh's Syndrome'. Yes, this is serious.

  5. It's getting worse: how low can you go.

    Jorge says:
    August 6, 2013 at 9:00 pm
    John Cook looks like a child molester in that photo.

    The comment has since been snipped.

  6. "SS"? Well, Anthony understands what his readers want.

  7. WUWT: Lots of lonely middle to old aged men, conservative, sexist, scared and increasingly irrelevant. All they have is their psychotic echo chamber to deny reality. Sad and pathetic. And creepy...

  8. Barack Obama's twitter account keeps tweeting the 97% consensus graphic to his 34 million followers.

    No wonder the cranks are in collective apoplexy over the Cook et al paper.


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